Wednesday, May 27, 2015

22 things I've learned in 22 years

(She's right it is pretty miserable & magical)

22 things I’ve learned* in my 22 years…

1.     Taking naps will always be a good idea
2.     Target, Mexican food, chickfila, and pizza could sustain me
3.     Drinking water is the key to a lot of things
4.     People are what are important in life. period. the. end.
   make ALL people a priority throughout every part of your day
   we should never be too busy for someone
5.     Flowers make everyone’s day better
6.     My planner is my best friend
7.     Anxiety can kill you – learn to trust Jesus
8.     Always GO BIG…and then go home
  do everything you can and in the best way possible,
  but don’t forget to go back to the ones who made you who you are
9.    Remember to have fun
10.  Being an adult is about realizing you know very little and need help 
      from everyone around you including strangers – take time to listen
11.  Trials are what define us – so battle well
12.  Risks are worth taking
13.  Wrong turns take you to where you’re supposed to be. trust.
14.  Don’t rush everything. Some times it take time for something beautiful to happen
15.  Give as much as you can
  there is more to gain in giving than receiving
16.  Playing with babies, children, and puppies will always bring great joy – do it often
17.  Roadtrips, new places, and new adventures create memories that will last a lot   longer then money – so GO!
18.  We aren’t all supposed to be the same.
  being different is what allows us to be the body of Christ
19.  Journaling
  if you don’t journal get one and start
20.  If expectations haven’t been communicated than you can’t expect anything
21.  Jesus uses broken people for His glory

22.  I’ve got a WHOLE lot to learn

*still learning ;)

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